The text of @carlmalamud's passionate defense of Aaron Swartz: https://public.resource.org/aaron/army/
"I see the army of Mahatma Gandhi walking peacefully to the sea to make salt for the people.
I see the army of Martin Luther King walking peacefully but with determination to Washington to demand their rights because change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, it comes through continuous struggle."
Amara Video Link with Subtitles

Text by CĂ©line Keller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Files, Pictures and Videos might not be.
#aaronswartz #publicdomain #opensource #creativecommons #openaccess #edcmooc
I have listened it and it touched my mind deeply.
Thank you for listening Heli!
It touched me deeply too, and I think listening and talking about it is very important.
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